Fedora Legacy Test Update Notification: httpd and mod_ssl

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 25 03:29:51 UTC 2005

Jeff Sheltren wrote:
> Hi Jim, perhaps some of your confusion comes from the fact that rh9, 
> fc1, and fc2 all contain the mod_ssl package as part of the httpd 
> package.  In the older rh 7.3, mod_ssl was separate from apache.

According to the release notes, 2 binary rpm packages were released 
(both mod_ssl and httpd) for all FL platforms except rh73.

>> To excuse this as "Other's checked before asking" is not accurate as 
>> the data just isn't there to support even having the ability to 
>> check.  Show me discussions of this bug outside of a bugID that isn't 
>> referenced anywhere else.  And please don't suggest that I am to be 
>> trolling bugzilla every day for the hundreds of packages for which I 
>> may or may not be interested in knowing if a bug exists.
>> The bottom line is that I regularly keep on top of RH73 
>> bugs/updates/patches and I missed this.  OK, so I am human and subject 
>> to errors, but this bug stayed well below the FL radar for many 
>> months.  I have a pretty good record of downloading and testing 
>> updates, so the fact that this critical one slipped by alarms me.
> OK, sounds like you're just upset because you didn't see this until the 
> updates-testing notification.  I'm not sure I understand what you're 
> trying to say here.

What I am trying to say is this:

I try very hard to contribute what I can to Fedora Legacy.  Yet despite 
my best efforts I find it amazingly difficult to do anything other than 
simply testing released packages.  I try to stay on top of server 
related issues pertaining to RH7.3, things exactly like mod_ssl and 
htttpd.  Yet this particular issue stayed buried out of sight (again, 
someone please show me some recent discussion or non-hidden notes 
regarding this).

Rather than continuing to poke this fire, I am going to (once again) ask 
all those involved to help make the process saner and clearer so that 
those that want to help will be able to help.  Don't hide below the 
radar and then complain in other threads that people aren't contributing.

'nuf said.

-Jim P.

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