New proposed top level FAQ for the defunct FedoraLegacy project

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Fri Feb 9 19:51:33 UTC 2007

David A. Ranch wrote:

> Q. Why is the FedoraLegacy project shutting down?
> A. A combination of reasons:
>    - A lack of community members that actually contributed to patches, 
> testing, deployment, etc.
>    - A lack of funding

Is funding really a issue? Unless you mean putting full time Red Hat 
employees on it, I dont see it as major problem.

> Q. Will FedoraLegacy take on support for FC6?
> A. No, the entire Legacy project is over.  Upgrade to a newer version of 
> FedoraCore if you want security and feature
>   patches or upgrade to a different distro such as Redhat Enterprise 
> Linux, Centos, or a different distro all
>   together.

Maybe a note that Fedora itself is increasing it's lifecyle from around 
9 to 13 months to enable users to upgrade easily and skip a release in 
between might be worth mentioning here.

> Q. So what do I do now?  I need a Redhat-style distribution that lasts 
> longer than Redhat's official 12-18 month
>   lifespan.

12-18 lifespan for what? Neither Fedora nor Red Hat Enterprise Linux is 
in that lifespan. The release for RHEL is around that timeframe but then 
  each of the releases are supported for 7 years now.  As for Fedora, 
Red Hat doesnt actually determine the release cycle or lifespan for 
that. The release features as well as resources available is the 
criteria for that. Fedora release cycle is around every 6 months and the 
lifespan for each release is around 13 months now.


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