New proposed top level FAQ for the defunct FedoraLegacy project

Eric Rostetter rostetter at
Sat Feb 10 02:57:02 UTC 2007

Quoting "David A. Ranch" <dranch at>:

> It's not being re-examined.

As far as I know, it is still being examined.

> I would change that line to say "The
> FedoraLegacy Project has shutdown and has ceiesed offering any RPM
> updates for all legacy Redhat and FedoraCore distributions.  Please see
> below for additional information."

I think the information below makes that fairly clear.

> 2. The 4th Q&A section on the page is mis-formatted. Move the "A:" to a
> newline


> 3. I would add a link to the Fedora-legacy-list archives as a final
> bullet for people to learn more about the shutdown beyond this short faq

This is not under my control...  Maybe someone else can do this though.

> 4. The download page should be completely removed or at least
> completely stripped.  Why offer information on how to Legacy-enable old
> distros if the master site is forever dead?

Because people claim they want to still keep the mirrors going so people
can download the updates...

> 5. Any news on how long the website will stay up?  Who runs this
> server?  Redhat or someone else?

AFAIK Jesse does...

> --David

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!

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