Whitebox Linux

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 13 15:24:12 UTC 2004

WipeOut said:
>>Okay, so that begs the question...IIRC, the Fedora community will only
>>support a released version of FC for approx two months after the release
>> of
>>a new version, which means that FC1 and RHL9 will both have their
>>errata/security update support discontinued at about the same time.  For
>>what amount of time is the WBEL community committing to support a
>> released
>>version after the next one comes out?
> Its based on the SRPM's from RHEL3 so for as long as RH release updates
> to RHEL (5 years if I rememeber correctly) there should be updates
> availible for WBEL..

Actually John (the one who set up the Whitebox project) has said nothing
of the kind.  Since he is doing this as part of his work at a library, his
interests are those of the library.  IIRC he has even stated that if they
like RHEL4 better they might just make a new Whitebox version for that,
which might mean he stops recompiling any updates for the current version
of Whitebox.

Of course Whitebox has nothing to do with Fedora, therefore is OT here.

William Hooper

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