nvidia and FC2

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Fri May 21 02:26:17 UTC 2004

At 10:45 5/20/2004, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
>On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 17:23 +0100, John Hodrien wrote:
> > Absolutely, which is why nvidia have recognised it as such and are 
> fixing it.
> > I don't think nvidia deserve a beating over this, it's just annoying for us
> > that's all.
>No. They recognized it as a limitation FC has, and that they will work
>around _THAT_ limitation.

Yes. It *is* a limitation on their software. The stack is limited to 4K. 
That is a correct and true statement.

No statement at all is made on whether such a limitation is right or wrong, 
necessary or unnecessary. In fact no value judgments are made at all.

>At least that's what their statement says between the lines.

Well, that's what you get for reading between the lines. If your opinions 
and beliefs are strong enough (and we all know just how pig-he^H^H^H^H 
strongly you believe), then you can and will read anything you please 
"between the lines." They did not *say* that... you interpreted it. You 
might be right in your interpretation, or you might not. But being 
convinced that your interpretation is necessarily right is laughable.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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