3 Upgrade Quibbles

Andy Choens dru at worldskip.com
Sat May 29 14:50:56 UTC 2004

I've googled and surfed hunted through the archives here and at Fedora
Forums.  I even tried reading through some stuff over at the LDP pages,
all to no avail.

After upgrading, I've got 3 problems.  None are show stoppers, they are
simply annoying.

First a little about my system.  It's a Toshiba Laptop, running FC2,
with a few extra packages for media and what not.  It was upgraded from
FC1.  I use XFCE as my primary desktop.

1)  For about 2 weeks, OOo would open up and acknowledge XFCE's color
settings and adjust itself accordingly.  Now it doesn't.  I don't know
why.  It works just fine in gnome.

2)  When I turn my computer on, my volume is set to mute on most of the
channels.  I've tried resetting it with amixer and alsamixer both as a
normal user and root.  But, when I reset and check the settings on
alsamixer, they are muted again.  On a desktop this wouldn't be a big
deal since it would rarely be reset, but on a laptop this is a bit of a

3)  For any other XFCE users on this list, has anyone noticed an odd
tendency for the provided XFCE themes to look identical to one another,
except for some differences of color?  They shouldn't.  When I ran XFCE
on FC1, each one was different.  I have several other themes installed,
and they all change the widgets according to their theme.  Only the XFCE
themes provided by Fedora seem wrong.  So, I know it's not in the
compilation of the XFCE-gtk-engine.  Are the themes from Fedora hacked
in any way?


Om Mani Padme Hume
        --Traditional Tibetan Blessing

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