On growisofs, burning bad (install) disks, and "mediacheck"...

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Mon Aug 29 18:21:30 UTC 2005

Peter Boy wrote:

>Am Montag, den 29.08.2005, 11:32 -0600 schrieb Philip Prindeville:
>>It would be nice if "growisofs" had a --verify option to read back
>>the data written to the media to ensure that the burn was good, and
>>to report failure if it wasn't.
>If you could happily use a GUI instead of the CLI k3b as delivered with
>Fedora makes this work for you.

Eh?  I am using the GUI...  The nautilus app.  I point at FC3-i386.iso on my
desktop, right-click, and select "write to disc".

>>Also, can we add a script to accomplish the check that booting "linux
>>mediacheck" does to the disk so that the media can be checked from
>>a running system (i.e. the same system one just burned the CD/DVD
>Would be great, indeed. Perhaps you should make RFE in bugzilla? (there
>is no appropriate component available, I suppose, therefore against

Ok... working on it.


Used nautilus-cd-burner as the component, since that's how I'm burning 

>>Supposedly that system will have had all of its CD dma and 32-bit
>>(non)compatibility issues worked out (which typically isn't the case
>>for the system you're trying to do the install onto).
>Did you manage to work it out? What did you do? I'm getting constantly
>verification errors (FC3 and FC4), but the burning is (in most) cases

Nope.  Still spinning my wheels.  See my posting from last week about
being unable to find the driver (yes, but which driver is missing?  and for



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