On growisofs, burning bad (install) disks, and "mediacheck"...

Peter Boy pboy at barkhof.uni-bremen.de
Mon Aug 29 18:59:37 UTC 2005

Am Montag, den 29.08.2005, 12:21 -0600 schrieb Philip Prindeville:
> >If you could happily use a GUI instead of the CLI k3b as delivered with
> >Fedora makes this work for you.
> >  
> >
> Eh?  I am using the GUI...  The nautilus app.  I point at FC3-i386.iso on my
> desktop, right-click, and select "write to disc".

Select other applications, instead, and use K3B. OK, you have to spend
more time until the application starts and wait even more time to allow
k3b to prepare the process. But you can check a verify option.

(If you start k3b from the menu and select the iso from the files menu,
the process is remarkably quicker).

Unfortunately, the verify fails every time, independent of the quality
of the actual burning. So it's of limited use, currently. But it is
there :-)


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