FC4 Torrent Slow? Or, is it just me?

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Mon Jun 13 19:48:48 UTC 2005

--On Monday, June 13, 2005 2:44 PM -0400 Kurt Hansen 
<khansen at charityweb.net> wrote:

> I'm trying to download the iso's for FC4, but they are coming down
> awfully slowly.

Can others reach your listening ports? Check that your firewall allows the 
connection and, you're behind a NAT router, that the ports get forwarded to 
your host.

If others can't reach your listening ports, then the only traffic you get 
is from peers you've connected to, which will artificially limit the size 
of the swarm you can reach. (Some other peers will be behind NAT routers 
that you can't reach, because they didn't' forward ports, and those sources 
will be unavailable to you unless they contact you first.)

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