HAL is broken again...

Mark Weaver mdw1982 at mdw1982.com
Sun Mar 27 13:47:05 UTC 2005

what the HELL is wrong with HAL and why is he broken AGAIN?

I know... a seemingly inoquous question, but HAL has got some real 
personality disorders that I WISH would get resolved once and for all. 
It figures that it would break just before the FC3 freeze and that just 
really KNOTS my knickers.

In case anyone is interested when attempting to mount a CD when it gets 
inserted into a drive to be read this is what pops up if I attempt to 
open the /media/cdrom dir in the Gnome filemanager:

mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd,
        or too many mounted file systems

It used to mount beautifully and open a Nautilus window on its own (only 
in Gnome - KDE was useless). Now it seems that after a few updates HAL 
is friggin broken yet AGAIN! AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...

In case it matters this is a white box and here are the particulars.

	/dev/hdc - SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148F
	/dev/hdd - SONY CD-RW CRX140E

	K7SEM - AMD Duron 1.3Ghz
	512MB non-ecc SDRAM - PC133
	SiS Chipset

If there's anything I've forgotten just holler at me, but please... no 
reminders that its development software... We're all very aware of that. 
:P  the issue here is the poor sod that KEEPS breaking HAL - he's really 
pissin me off!

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