Nvidia sucks, sucks, sucks !

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Thu Nov 9 18:51:01 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Kim Lux wrote:
> Can you imagine if we had to build drivers in this manner for EVERY
> piece of hardware on our computers ?

This is what package managers like rpm are designed to solve.  You
build it one place and then install those binaries on many machines.
I've experience much more driver hell with Windows in my time than I
ever have with Linux.  Most hardware has drivers in the mainline
kernel and they just work out of the box.  That's happened thanks to
the countless folks that have invested their time and effort into
making it work rather than just saying it sucks sucks sucks!

> Should we be applauding Nvidia for their approach to Linux OS
> support ?  I think not !

It'd be nice if they fully open-sourced their drivers, sure.  But if
you don't like their current binary drivers you are free to not use
them.  So I think you're overreacting here.

> I'd love to know how an admin with 200 PCs with nvidia cards would
> handle this.

1) An admin with 200 PCs under their care wouldn't run updates-testing
nor would they install every kernel update that came down the pike
without testing it themselves.

2) If such an admin didn't like the Livna (or FreshRPMS, etc.)
packaging of the NVidia drivers they can package their own and
distribute those to the PCs they are responsible for.

3) An admin with 200 PCs to care for will likely find that the users
of those PCs don't have a need for fancy 3D graphics and would opt
insted for the out of the box nv driver that is open source and part
of xorg.

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Experience is the worst teacher: it gives the test before presenting
the lesson.
    -- Vernon Law

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