Nvidia sucks, sucks, sucks !

ethericalzen at gmail.com ethericalzen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 19:04:27 UTC 2006

On Thu, 9 Nov 2006 13:57:17 -0500
"Alastair Neil" <ajneil at gmail.com> took out a #2 pencil and

> The nv driver does not support dual head configurations on my
> card so its a non starter for me.

And yes, this is my point exactly. If one is not doing what the
"average" user is doing, one must then go ahead and learn how to do
it pains and all on their own or hire someone to do it for them.

So, yes I understand that nv is not necessarily the answer for all
people; however, it is the average for the average user. Most
people are not running dual head. If they do run dual head, that
automatically places them outside of the average user tag. I
understand that Windows will do this, but it does require
configuration to one degree or another depending on what your set
up is.

I do respect that it's a non-starter for some people but for _most_
people, it's not even an issue of "does it support dual head
config". It just isn't.

Alex White
ethericalzen at gmail.com
Life is a prison, death is a release

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