Unknown symbol in module

Alain PORTAL alain.portal at free.fr
Fri Nov 17 15:28:24 UTC 2006


I have successfully compile and install the uvcvideo module for my webcam 
(http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/) but when I load it (modprobe) I get this error 

FATAL: Error inserting uvcvideo 
(/lib/modules/2.6.18-1.2239.fc5/usb/media/uvcvideo.ko): Unknown symbol in 
module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

In /var/log/messges:

kernel: uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_devdata
kernel: uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_devdata
kernel: uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_unregister_device
kernel: uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_unregister_device
kernel: uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_alloc
kernel: uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_device_alloc
kernel: uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_register_device
kernel: uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_register_device
kernel: uvcvideo: disagrees about version of symbol video_device_release
kernel: uvcvideo: Unknown symbol video_device_release

Where is the problem?

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