RFE: how to file

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Sun Aug 5 18:12:03 UTC 2007

Somebody in the thread at some point said:

>> How about leading the effort for such a spin? Talk to the XFCE 
>> maintainer and help write a kickstart file. The kickstart file can be 
>> used to create Live images and you get a XFCE based Fedora spin. Not too 
>> much effort.
> If this is going to be the attitude of Fedora/Redhat, then the devil save
> Redhat. Requesting an enhancement means having to actually lead the effort?
> What happened to community support? Besides, why do KDE/Gnome users get it "for

Gah, what... he's telling you that you can drive what you wanted with
the tools Fedora provide, how does that need a big rant about Rahul?
It's much easier to generate custom Fedora spins than it ever was before
now, he really wasn't telling you to go boil your head.


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