F7 is working fine

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Thu Aug 23 14:59:22 UTC 2007

    I had trouble getting to F7. I really didn't want to but it seemed 
the timing was right for it. After over 200 updates F7 is good working 
Linux. The first thing a new user needs to do is remove Totem and get 
the VLC media player. It has worked just fine through all the 200 
upgrades and plays anything from mp3 to .wav to DVD movies. It does it 
all. I get things from friends with Windows. VLC never fails to play them.

    There is still some minor things broken but they might be due to MY 
hardware which is old. New computer is scheduled to be delivered today 
by UPS but they deliver very late, like 10:30 PM local. Then I will see 
if the new motherboard and SATA hard drives fix the problems.

    A friend just loaded F7 again after getting the 200 updates and he 
says it is nothing like it was 3 months ago.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.

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