F7 is working fine

PerAntonRønning pa-ronn at online.no
Thu Aug 23 16:12:22 UTC 2007

Karl Larsen wrote:
>    I had trouble getting to F7. I really didn't want to but it seemed 
> the timing was right for it. After over 200 updates F7 is good working 
> Linux. The first thing a new user needs to do is remove Totem and get 
> the VLC media player. It has worked just fine through all the 200 
> upgrades and plays anything from mp3 to .wav to DVD movies. It does it 
> all. I get things from friends with Windows. VLC never fails to play 
> them.
>    There is still some minor things broken but they might be due to MY 
> hardware which is old. New computer is scheduled to be delivered today 
> by UPS but they deliver very late, like 10:30 PM local. Then I will 
> see if the new motherboard and SATA hard drives fix the problems.
>    A friend just loaded F7 again after getting the 200 updates and he 
> says it is nothing like it was 3 months ago.
Sounds good. But where is it? I have been looking around for a FC 7 iso 
DVD, but all sites stop at /6 and then they list /development - is this fc7?
Is the iso DVD hidden within the .bittorrent, which I am absolutely new 
to? I've never used bittorrent,  I have never needed to. As I understand 
I have to download a torrent client, as a search tool(?) - is that up 
the same alley as FTP?  Pardon my ignorance, but i have lots to do and I 
must operate on a need to know basis. How do I extract the contents of a 
torrent file, is that something the torrent client program takes care of?



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