adding a service to xinetd

Don Russell fedora at
Wed Jun 20 23:46:51 UTC 2007

Fedora 7

I have a small telnet server listening on port 23, and want to run a 
second one on port 8023 (rather arbitrary) which I'll use for testing 
changes to the server app I wrote.

The one on port 23 works properly but when I try to connect to the one 
on port 8023, I get an error: connection refused.

I tried this from the command line: telnet localhost 8023
and I get the 'connection refused' error.

I added port 8023 using the"firewall settings"... but it still fails, I 
also restarted xinetd to pick up the additional server...

SELinux is in permissive mode.

I've obviously missed something.... but what?


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