No eth1 wireless

David G. Miller dave at
Mon May 14 03:06:52 UTC 2007

"Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at> wrote:

> I seem to have corrupted system-config-network while playing with
> firestarter. I've since gone back to the default Fedora firewall
> (system-config-securitylevel). I see two devices in the Devices tab:
> eth0 (Type: Ethernet), which is active, and eth1 (Type: Wireless),
> which is inactive. When I try to activate eth1, I get this
> inappropriate error:
> Determining IP information for eth1... failed; no link present.  Check cable?
> Why does it think that there should be a cable? Before rebooting I was
> getting this error:
> When I try to activate eth1 (wireless):
> Determining IP information for eth1...dhclient(4733) is already
> running - exiting.
> exiting.
>  failed.
> How can I start eth1? Note that SELinux is set to Permissive.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dotan Cohen
The "check cable" message is just a carry-over from pre-wireless.  It 
means that the wireless can't establish a link level connection.  With a 
wired connection, this is equivalent to having a working cable in 
place.  Thus, "check cable."

Some things to try are:

Open up your access point (no encryption, authentication, ESSID is 
broadcast, no MAC filtering) and see if you can connect.  Your security 
exposure is fairly minimal if you only leave it open briefly.

What gets reported if you do a "iwlist eth1 scan"?  If nothing then your 
system isn't even talking to the radio.  If you get a list of APs, then 
some higher level glitch like authentication is causing the problem.

I get the "Determining IP information for eth1...dhclient(4733) is 
already running..." message whenever I switch my laptop from wired to 
wireless.  Just do a "kill 4733" (or whatever PID gets reported in the 
error message) and try it again.


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