[Fedora-livecd-list] squashfs -- anyone have a pristine tree?

J. Hartline jasperhartline at adelphia.net
Wed Mar 29 14:09:30 UTC 2006

Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

>Thanks autopsy!
No problem.

>Here's two patches.  The first one enables squashfs.  In order to use it
>you invoke kadischi with the --filesystem option::
>  kadischi --filesystem=squashfs fc5-repo fedora.iso
I too think SquashFS as an option is a good idea.. (as opposed to no 
choice, and just Squash)
Everything works like it should upon testing all the SquashFS bits.
I had done some work with SquashFS too but using a standard Fedora Core 
cpio initrd with Nash.
Nash however doesn't fallback to RO in it's losetup, so of course, you 
can't setup a loopback with a Squash image as RW.

I think we can probablu go ahead and at the least get the Squash bits up 
to CVS, and all of the rest with some exceptions.
Let me explain:

>+  append initrd=initrd.img $kernel_params INITRD_DBG=x
>+  append xen.gz nosmp noacpi noreboot --- vmlinuz --- initrd.img $kernel_params INITRD_DBG=x
In the future (or even now) we probably don't want to hinder the 
relevance of the debug option.
After all, it is there for debugging. :-P

>+	# Copy files from the skeldir to root's home
>+	skeldir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc/skel')
>+	skeldirEnd = len(skeldir) + 1
>+	# Walk the skeldir copying files
>+	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(skeldir):
>+		wdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'root', root[skeldirEnd:])
>+		for entry in dirs:
>+			newentry = os.path.join(wdir, entry)
>+			if (os.path.lexists(newentry)):
>+				continue
>+			oldentry = os.path.join(root, entry)
>+			if os.path.islink(oldentry):
>+					os.symlink(os.readlink(oldentry), newentry)
>+			else:
>+				os.makedirs(newentry)
>+		for entry in files:
>+			newentry = os.path.join(wdir, entry)
>+			if (os.path.lexists(newentry)):
>+				continue
>+			oldentry = os.path.join(root, entry)
>+			if os.path.islink(oldentry):
>+				os.symlink(os.readlink(oldentry), newentry)
>+			else:
>+				shutil.copy(oldentry, newentry)
This seems to be overly glorified to me, /etc/skel will always exist as 
it belongs to the filesystem package, unless you are using
a modified filesystem package, which I do not think is the focus of 
Kadischi. Kadischi should work with the default subset of stock
and or updated packages in Fedora Core. Making it if it doesn't exist is 
also not neccessary, because it should exist.
In any case since rsync is an option configurable by the user and it 
relieves the dependancy on rsync actually existing.

If there isn't any disagreements with Kadischi having the option of 
zftrees or Squash images we can at least
get the Squash bits into CVS.
Thanks Toshio!

J. Hartline

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