[Fedora-livecd-list] Cannot find root file system!

Vladimir Shebordaev vladimir.shebordaev at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 18:19:11 UTC 2007

Douglas McClendon пишет:
> offset wrote:
>> Newbie alert :)
>> Looking to get up-to-speed on Fedora LiveCD so I can custom build my 
>> own security tools that I can boot from cd, rather than lug around my 
>> laptop everywhere.  I did see the Security fedora livecd wiki, so I'll 
>> have to poke around there as well.
>> I'm getting the following errors when booting the livecd iso that I 
>> created in vmware.
>> - - - cut - - -
>> udevd[297]: add_to_rules: the 'device' link is deprecated and will be 
>> removed from a future kernel, please fix it in 
>> /etc/udev/rules.d/00-cdlabel.rules:1
>> --------------------------------------
>> WARNING: Cannot find root file system!
>> --------------------------------------
>> - - - cut - - -
>> if I add root=/dev/sr0 to the boot line, the cd boots fine, so I'm 
>> curious as how to fix the udevd error.
> I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the problem, but can someone 
> explain these hardcoded(?) numbers to me?  This is about the only thing 
> in mayflower that I don't really understand-
> (I.e. where can I go to find documentation on these sysfs types, so I 
> can feel convinced that these lists of numbers (0,7,14,,4,5) are 
> complete/correct)

I guess those numbers are generic peripheral device types as per 
ancient X3T10 recommendation

Table xx - Peripheral device type
| Code    | Description                                        |
| 00h     | Direct-access device (e.g. magnetic disk)          |
| 01h     | Sequential-access device (e.g. magnetic tape)      |
| 02h     | Printer device                                     |
| 03h     | Processor device                                   |
| 04h     | Write-once device (e.g. some optical disks)        |
| 05h     | CD-ROM device                                      |
| 06h     | Scanner device                                     |
| 07h     | Optical memory device (e.g. some optical disks)    |
| 08h     | Medium changer device (e.g. jukeboxes)             |
| 09h     | Communications device                              |
| 0Ah-0Bh | Defined by ASC IT8 (Graphic arts pre-press devices)|
| 0Ch     | SCSI disk array device                             |
| 0Dh-1Eh | Reserved                                           |
| 1Fh     | Unknown or no device type                          |

either as per SPC-3 clause 6.4.2 "Standard INQUIRY data"

Table 79 — Peripheral device type
| Code | Doc | Description                                     |
| 00h  |SBC  | Direct-access device (e.g., magnetic disk)      |
| 01h  |SSC-2| Sequential-access device (e.g.,magnetic tape)   |
| 02h  |SSC  | Printer device                                  |
| 03h  |SPC-2| Processor device                                |
| 04h  |SBC  | Write-once device (e.g., some optical disks)    |
| 05h  |MMC-3| CD/DVD device                                   |
| 06h  | Scanner device (obsolete)                             |
| 07h  |SBC  | Optical memory device (e.g.,some optical disks) |
| 08h  |SMC  | Medium changer device (e.g.,jukeboxes)          |
| 09h  | Communications device (obsolete)                      |
| 0Ah - 0Bh  | Obsolete                                        |
| 0Ch  |SCC-2| Storage array controller device (e.g., RAID)    |
| 0Dh  |SES  | Enclosure services device                       |
| 0Eh  |RBC  | Simplified direct-access device (e.g.,magnetic disk)
| 0Fh  |OCRW | Optical card reader/writer device               |
| 10h  | Reserved                                              |
| 11h  |OSD  | Object-based Storage Device                     |
| 12h  |ADC  | Automation/Drive Interface                      |
| 13h - 1Dh  | Reserved                                        |
| 1Eh  | Well known logical unit                               |
| 1Fh  | Unknown or no device type                             |

that is pretty much the same for the types in question.

> echo "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"scsi_device\", 
> SYSFS{type}==\"0|7|14\", RUN+
> =\"/sbin/modprobe sd_mod\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
> echo "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"scsi_device\", 
> SYSFS{type}==\"[45]\", RUN+=\
> "/sbin/modprobe sr_mod\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/10-modprobe.rules
> -dmc

In the hope it helps.


> -- 
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