CVS Admin Sucks Less

Warren Togami wtogami at
Wed Feb 7 18:27:24 UTC 2007

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski wrote:
> Can we please keep things no more complicated than they were? Initial import
> into devel should not require any admin interaction. If it does, why do we
> need sponsorship? Getting a contributor account was difficult enough, I don't
> want to jump through hoops with every new package!

Past: CVSSyncNeeded
Wiki sucked a lot for a work queue.  4 steps:
1) fedora-review+
3) CVSSyncNeeded and wait...
4) Fix-up and build

Current: CVS Admin
You ask cvs admin to create directories for you, then you do everything 
all at once.  This is actually FEWER steps than before.
1) fedora-review+
2) fedora-cvs? and wait...
3) Check-in and build.

Yes, this process still sucks, but it sucks less.  Let's just use this 
for now, and focus on making the ideal system for the future.

Future: Better Automation
I think the future infrastructure improvements like next-gen VCS and 
Package Database will eventually allow us to better automate this, 
perhaps making it entirely self-serve.  No waiting involved.

1) Pre-review, import into a theoretical hosted personal VCS to make it 
easy for others to review.  Changes prior to approval are tracked in 
2) fedora-review+ in database.
3) System automatically validates fedora-review+.  Owner can check boxes 
of which branches they wish to create.  Then build.

(There are a number of security considerations we must take into account 
for this to be possible.  The design and implementation for example 
would need to abstract access from PackageDB to VCS, limiting it to only 
certain operations like "create new package".)

Warren Togami
wtogami at

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