[Fedora-mentors-list] Introduction

Victor Skovorodnikov vic_sk at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 17 14:42:39 UTC 2005


My name is Victor Skovorodnikov.  I have a Fedora 4 and I am very interested
in Linux and would like to make a contribution to its software development. 
The two main reasons for this are:
1) I am trying to break in to a career as a programmer and contributing to
Fedora's software development is a great opportunity to gain extra
2) I am working on a very dull and boring job (as a programmer actually) but
I am discouraged to do any creative programmatic work and my employer has no
apparent respect in this field and treats me as an investment rather than a
person who wants to enjoy this work.

My biggest concern is whether my skills are good enough to make a
contribution.  I studied Computer Science at the university of BC for three
years that covered anything from basic programming to analysis of
algorithms, databases, and computer architecture.  My website is a bit
outdated but it might give you more information about me:
The password to view my resumes is 'bluesky'

If there are any projects you are working on and think I can help, please
let me know.  At work I am currently working with VC++ 6, SVG, JavaScript,
and MapBasic(which is useless to Linux).  

I was actually doing some amateur development of a chess game in Java but
have temporarily stopped its progress because I found a full-time job.  And
I was thinking of suggesting a network chess game for Fedora's games
section.  But my chess game uses RMI and although I've managed to make it
work over the firewall, it requires a server to coordinate a game between
two players so there would have to be a remote server holding board
information of many many users and I am not sure on practicality of this.

I am willing to learn and put in as much effort as it is required to get the
job done.  

Could you please tell me how much time you expect people you mentor to work
on a package per week?  What is the time frame you allow for people to
complete a project?

Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,

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