[Fedora-mentors-list] Introduction

Christopher Aillon caillon at redhat.com
Sun Sep 18 04:00:20 UTC 2005

On 09/17/2005 10:42 AM, Victor Skovorodnikov wrote:

>My name is Victor Skovorodnikov.  I have a Fedora 4 and I am very interested
>in Linux and would like to make a contribution to its software development. 
>My biggest concern is whether my skills are good enough to make a
>I am willing to learn and put in as much effort as it is required to get the
>job done.
Awesome.  That's really what matters then.  Your desire and effort are 
very much welcome!

>Could you please tell me how much time you expect people you mentor to work
>on a package per week?  What is the time frame you allow for people to
>complete a project?
Well, since this is volunteer, there really is no required minimum 
effort.  But if you find something you really enjoy want to work on, 
then chances are you will be more motivated to put forth more effort.  
So, find something interesting to you, and have fun.  That's really 
what's important in the end anyway.

I know the answer is very broad and generic, but its really important to 
keep that in mind.  If you have any specific questions about how to do 
certain things, feel free to ask them here.


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