microblog accounts

Oisin Feeley oisinfeeley at imapmail.org
Sun Nov 23 19:24:09 UTC 2008

On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 09:54:46 -0800, "Karsten Wade" <kwade at redhat.com>
> Suggestion came across the desk to have Fedora News accounts for
> useful microblogging services, i.e., identi.ca and twitter.com.


> I grabbed and configured the two accounts.  Currently the email is
> sent to me (no alerts configured to email, though); this is because
> I've failed in the past by setting a mailing list as the account,
> thereby sending password reset notices to the world.
> http://identi.ca/fedoranews
> http://twitter.com/fedoranews
> From here, I think we should share the accounts as a group usage so
> that people working on Fedora News and Fedora Magazine have access to
> push *any* updates.  Then we advertize the identi.ca link in FWN,
> etc. and see if people use it. :)

Probably Fedora Magazine should have its own account so that it's easier
to filter content to just the news, or news + other content.

> Any other ideas?

If we're looking at non-Free stuff then Tumblr[1] has an easily used API
and is a richer format than identi.ca/twitter.

If any of this is going to be done then it would be nice to have someone
take responsibility for it /before/ announcing any live feeds. E.g. the
Fedora Magazine feed appears to have solely #147 and #148 which makes it
look as though we've come to a stop.  I'd prefer to have no RSS feed
rather than one which is advertised widely and then makes it look as
though we've fallen off the map, when in fact we're working hard to push
out an issue every week.

> Who all should have access to the account?

Whoever is going to guarantee to do the monotonous, weekly task of
ensuring that the updates flow out week-after-week. 
> Any better idea on what to do for email?  (E.g., is there a privately
> archived address FWN uses at all?)

If there is a privately archived address then it's been lost in the
mists of time along with the Feedburner stuff that I helped ThomasChung
set up.  I guess I could email him and ask.

[1] http://www.tumblr.com

Best wishes,
  Oisin Feeley

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