microblog accounts

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Mon Nov 24 21:52:53 UTC 2008

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 02:24:09PM -0500, Oisin Feeley wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 09:54:46 -0800, "Karsten Wade" <kwade at redhat.com>
> said:
> > 
> > From here, I think we should share the accounts as a group usage so
> > that people working on Fedora News and Fedora Magazine have access to
> > push *any* updates.  Then we advertize the identi.ca link in FWN,
> > etc. and see if people use it. :)
> Probably Fedora Magazine should have its own account so that it's easier
> to filter content to just the news, or news + other content.

Reckon what I was thinking ... microblogging is similar to a "news
flash" and figured we could all share.  But perhaps the Magazine wants
it's own account for e.g. conferences, etc.

> If any of this is going to be done then it would be nice to have someone
> take responsibility for it /before/ announcing any live feeds. E.g. the
> Fedora Magazine feed appears to have solely #147 and #148 which makes it
> look as though we've come to a stop.  I'd prefer to have no RSS feed
> rather than one which is advertised widely and then makes it look as
> though we've fallen off the map, when in fact we're working hard to push
> out an issue every week.

I understand what you mean in concept, but don't understand the
specific example?  What got stopped in there?

> > Who all should have access to the account?
> Whoever is going to guarantee to do the monotonous, weekly task of
> ensuring that the updates flow out week-after-week. 

Ah, actually ... what I had in mind was to spread the account access,
maybe to _every_ FWN Beat writer + others who do marketing.  Make it
lively by having regular updates from multiple people appearing as one
Fedora News microblogging voice.

For example, when things get really heated in f-devel-l, you could
send an alert and pull more people in to the fight/audience. ;-D

What I'd recommend is that the address for password recovery be set to
whoever is main wrangler/editor for FWN.  This is all un-automatic
stuff, but a way to start, and we can look in to more robust methods

Anyway, accounts secured, what and how figuring goes on ...

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener
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