RH recommends using Windows?

Mike Lurk mike.lurk at sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 4 17:53:36 UTC 2003

I agree with the article. The average home user does not know anything
about how to install any type of software, be it an app or game. They
are thinking to themselves, what the heck is *.tar.gz how do I install
it. So who do I call to install this???????

The average home user does not read anything, they want support for
everything. Ask me about it, Ive worked for Digital, Compaq and HP.
They're customer demand support for just about everything.

For example does the average user know how to install Xine properly.
No.... I requires two files to be installed Xine-lib and Xine-ui and
Xine-lib has to be in the Path before Xine-ui  will install and how do
you get it into the path when you install Xine-lib. Easy for me, but the
average home user forget it.

There is one feature that I like in Windows, I hate to admit it but, and
that is the add and remove program. Select the program in question and
remove it.

It is harder to do in Linux because there are too many file formats to
consider; *.bin, *.tar.gz, *.rpm and there are others as well. How do
you incorporate them into an Add and Remove Program style of format. The
average user will need that.

If all Linux was meant to do was to do emails, message someone, or to
write an essay it's great for the home user. It's stable, it won't crash
in the middle of something important and you really don't have to worry
that much about viruses.

(there, my .02 cents worth)


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