RH recommends using Windows?

Noah Silva [Mailing list] nsilva-list at aoi.atari-source.com
Tue Nov 4 18:22:38 UTC 2003

> It is harder to do in Linux because there are too many file formats to
> consider; *.bin, *.tar.gz, *.rpm and there are others as well. How do
> you incorporate them into an Add and Remove Program style of format. The
> average user will need that.

This is unfair.  Window's "Add/remove programs" only works if windows
"knows" about the program because it at least semi-properly used MSI.

Likewise, linux only "knows" about a program being installed if you used
an rpm or deb.  If you just plop down EXE files in windows, they won't
"add/remove" any more than they will in linux.

.tar.gz should really only be for developers.  At the very least, if you
are going to make a different install system (like loki installer), it
should have a way to communicate with the RPM database as well.

> If all Linux was meant to do was to do emails, message someone, or to
> write an essay it's great for the home user. It's stable, it won't crash
> in the middle of something important and you really don't have to worry
> that much about viruses.
> (there, my .02 cents worth)
  -- noah silva

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