where are libgimp and libgimpui?

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Wed Feb 18 14:11:22 UTC 2004

>   ok, while i peruse your response, let me ask a much simpler question: if
> i start with a pristine install of FC2-test1, does there even exist a
> channel against which i can run "yum update" to update just those RPMs
> that have been fixed and for which newer versions have been released to
> respond to bug reports in the original FC2-test1?
>   as it stands, the pristine install contains the single active channel in
> /etc/yum.conf:
> [development]
> name=Fedora Core $releasever - Development Tree
> baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/$basearch/
>   am i allowed to run a general "yum update" against this channel?  or is
> it only for updating specific RPMs that i select explicitly?  if i'm not
> supposed to do a "yum update" based on the original yum.conf file, that's
> cool, i just want to know that.  and i just want to know what my options
> *are* for updating.

sure you're allowed to run it - but you should know that at any given
time development/rawhide could be very broken as to its deps. so you can
run it all you  want, it just might not work.


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