Averatec Laptop Useless Under FC3RC1

D Canfield canfield at uindy.edu
Wed Oct 27 15:26:16 UTC 2004

I have no idea where to even begin posting a bugzilla entry for this...

I have an Averatec 3200 laptop that installs cleanly under FC2.  With 
both FC3T3 and FC3rc1 the following happened to me:

- Boot from CD.  When graphical anaconda launches, the screen goes 
black.  The CD continues to run, and if I hit enter after a while, it 
runs again, so I believe the machine is not locked up... there is just 
no video.
- Try the install again passing "linux nofb" at the boot: prompt.  Same 
- Try the install a third time using the text mode installer.  Install 
succeeds, but...
- Upon reboot, when the graphical grub should be displayed, the screen 
goes blank, much the same as when the graphical anaconda tries to load.  
This leaves my machine unusable, as I can't choose any other boot 
options.  Reinstalling FC2 makes the machine usable again.

Any ideas where to begin.  Since this seems to affect grub *and* 
anaconda, I don't know how to file the bug.  Seems like a pretty major 
bug, though.  Especially since these laptops worked under FC2.  I'm 
downloading RC2 on the off chance it might help, but I'm not very hopeful.


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