Why is xscreensaver removed in favor of gnome-screensaver

Miles Lane miles.lane at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 19:51:35 UTC 2006

On 2/17/06, Konstantin Ryabitsev <icon at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Miles Lane wrote:
> > Personally, I think the Gnome developers' know-it-all attitude is
> > stupid and offensive.  Dang it!  They take their bloody "present no
> > options to the users" too far!  Idiots!
> It's a frickin' screensaver, dude. It saves old CRTs from pixel burn-in.
> Surely there are worthier issues to get upset about? No?

It's a bigger issue of empowering users.  It is a pattern of limiting
user control in favor of developer control.  It is the dumbing down
of the UI to prevent users "running with scissors."  Guess what,
most Linux users know how to use scissors safely.  Sure, I want
Linux to succeed in the world of computer Newbies, but just give
me the option to enable more advanced settings and I will be
perfectly happy.

Not that it really matters for the sake of argument, but Linus Torvalds
has similar concerns about Gnome.  He a pretty reasonable guy, fwiw.


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