F9 and selinux

Jim Cornette fct-cornette at insight.rr.com
Mon Apr 7 10:26:33 UTC 2008

Anne Wilson wrote:
>> Then file it against selinux-policy and Dan will take from there..
> Thanks.  I did that yesterday.  Upstart produces no less than 38 AVCs on my 
> system.  Just how much detail needs to go into the report?  I sent the whole 
> of the setroubleshooter output, but if I have to do that for 38 AVCs it will 
> constitute a book.  I plan to put all the upstart ones into one text file.  
> If I give full output for the first ones can I give an abbreviated version 
> for the rest?  If so, which bits are essential?  What about the summary line 
> and the raw audit messages?
> Anne 

If you right click on the entry you can save the information and attach 
the files as an attachment.
Personally I use the summary of the submitted bug reports as the summary 
specified within the avc error.
But with 38 errors, it would be best to submit the whole audit.log if 
you have one on your system which should contain all errors encountered 
relating to AVC errors.


Let's do it.
		-- Gary Gilmore, to his firing squad

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