Dependency checking running for over an hour in -- anyone?

Clyde E. Kunkel clydekunkel7734 at
Mon Aug 17 23:55:54 UTC 2009

On 08/17/2009 02:36 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 13:42 -0400, Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
>> Isn't a fresh install done in a chroot?  If not, then I haven't tried a
>> chroot fresh install and don't know how.
> I meant into a chroot on a regular installed system.  That will use the
> system yum and rule out any anaconda specific issues.
>> Thank you for providing what is needed to really helps.
>  From the sound of it, and for how long you've been having these issues,
> it really seems specific to your environment.  From the details you've
> given if it wasn't specific to your environment, lots of other people
> (including myself) would have seen these issues, but we aren't.

Just tried a default rawhide install using method=http://local mirror in 
a Fedora 11 virtual machine and dependency checking took about 30 seconds.

Where should I start looking in my non-virtual environment?  Would the 
fact that I have multiple installations on the non-virtual test system 
have anything to do with this?

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