Disabled TitleIndex and Category* pages

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Thu Jul 12 00:57:29 UTC 2007

Mike McGrath said the following on 07/11/2007 09:56 AM Pacific Time:
> I disabled TitleIndex and Category.* pages under /wiki/ because access 
> to these pages was taking the wiki down.
>    -Mike

Who is leading the websites team?  Do you have regular meetings?  I couldn't find very much on the wiki.

This functionality (using categories as suggested by Bill Nottingham) was the cornerstone of the process flow I developed for managing features: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Features/Policy#process-flow  The process can be reworked, but using Categories saves shuffling pages around or renaming them.

I've since received several indirect responses about what is happening with our wiki.  Is there a clear picture somewhere of the future and if the Category  problem or wiki performance ( > 30 seconds to save a page!) in general is on a road-map to be fixed.  Is this where Plone is supposed to fit in?

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


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