Templating -- mirrormanager and our other websites

Matt_Domsch at Dell.com Matt_Domsch at Dell.com
Sat Jul 28 21:41:24 UTC 2007

Your update of mm looks a lot better than my poor attempt, thanks!

Matt Domsch
Linux Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO
linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux
-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitris Glezos [mailto:glezos at ceid.upatras.gr] 
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 10:07 AM
To: For maintainers and developers of all formal Fedora websites.;
Domsch, Matt
Subject: Templating -- mirrormanager and our other websites

Last night I played a bit with the mirrormanager kid templates:


and tried to bring them along the lines of the current fedoraproject.org
master template and the look-n-feel of the content of
translate.fedoraproject.org, and came up to this:


Here's a list of most of our websites:


In order to bring some of these under a common look-and-feel we can have
something like the following:

 - CSS
   - One global CSS that "just works" (think: fedoraproject.org)
   - One CSS with commonly-used items like the heading icons, etc.
   - Each website can have its own CSS, overriding values from the
 - Templates
   - Can be overridden, so again, a master template can exist (think:
   - Probably another one or two, depending on our needs (eg. full-width
   - Each website can define a master one overriding stuff from the
default; eg.
     custom menu in sidebar -- see translate.fpo and above screenshot).
   - Every page of a website can, in turn, override the above.

CSS's are easy to import. For templates, Toshio suggested to create a
package that will contain all the templates, so that a TG app can use
them, and we can update the package if we need to change, for example,
the footer of all our TG apps.


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use loses both and deserves
neither." (Anonymous)

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