fedora 8 media

Michael Tant mtant621 at charter.net
Tue Apr 8 20:40:09 UTC 2008

I have become recently interested in the Linux operating system, and was
introduced to Fedora Core 2 with KDE and Gnome.  I have since become
interested in the Fedora 8.  I have noticed it is DVDRom.  I have had some
trouble navigating the website though as to how I can aquire a full set of
DVDRom's.  I understand that fedora 8 as all linux versions is freeware, but
I am sure there is a cost to the media and shipping of said media.  Can you
please forward this email to the person or persons responsible for helping
me to order this media?  I would like to ask them the cost for ordering
fedora 8 (and speak to them about which version is best for me) and
providing all is well, go ahead and order the software by either online or
on the phone visa.  Please let me know as soon as possible, I'm anxious to
get linux up and running very soon.  I thank you in advance.


Michael L. Tant

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