Simple website

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Sat Apr 26 01:19:31 UTC 2008

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Juan Camilo Prada wrote:
> i totally agree!!
> we cannot compare two different projects and two different websites that
> aim at two different points. Obviously aims to let people
> know about the tools the have build (Build Services) and of course the
> wiki. The thing is, their wiki is so well organized that it feels good
> to navigate in and also their wiki is their replacement for our fp.o
> If we had a wiki so well designed with an interactive and intuitive
> interface such as opensuse's wiki, we could discard having fp.o as the
> wiki would do just a better job. But so far nor the wiki and definitely
> not the fp.o site are helping on filling the gap between new
> users/contributors and the project.

I talked to the opensuse guys, similar to our wiki anyone with an account
has access to edit the wiki.  So the question is, what do they do
different or is it just they have a younger wiki?

> Also im getting tired of this discussion as it seems its not going
> anywhere, as people that think the website should be just the Fedora
> logo aren't changing their minds, and people like me who thinks
> information is a better way to reach to potential contributors aren't
> changing our minds either. So instead of wasting time discussing this, i
> suggest we name a group that will decide how things should look in the
> website.

Actually I think this has been useful.  We've kept a few things off the
wiki, toshio's right.  Balance is important.  But as long as we keep in
mind that too much is nasty then I feel at least some good comes from
discussing it.

> I know thats the idea of having a websites group, but as people is
> getting in this group, the group keeps getting bigger and its hard to
> progress if we take into a count every ones ideas and just for a couple
> of people who disagree about something we don't take any actions. So i
> suggest making a small group who will be in charge of this aspect of the
> websites team and decide what to do, also a poll or something similar
> would do the job, but we definitely need some leadership here.

The group is getting bigger but still, unfortunately, very few leaders
have come out of it.  Ricky and ignacio immediately come to mind but of
the people on this list, how many of you have commited or created and
proposed a patch to the website in the last year?


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