Confusing website!

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Tue Jan 29 01:00:09 UTC 2008

On Jan 28, 2008 1:19 AM, Dave Lowndes <dtlowndes at> wrote:
> Dudes,
> I've installed Linux before, a few years ago now though. Now I want
> Fedora and so I go to I see 3
> options with no explanation!! The website looks great, but please
> provide at least a little information on the downloading page about
> what the differences are between "Install Media", "Fedora Desktop Live
> Media" and "Fedora KDE Live Media". I'll be conservative and get the
> "Install Media" because that's what I want to do... install. But I'll
> be pissed if it end up meaning I miss out on a GUI or something stupid
> like that and have to download again. Meanwhile, I'll continue to hunt
> around the docs for an explanation - but it would've be so much nicer
> to get a 1 or 2 sentence explanation of each on the download page!!
> Dave

* Fedora Desktop Live Media -- If you're looking around for a desktop
operating system and the other options don't look familiar you maybe
want this (you can install from it)

* Fedora KDE Live Media -- if you're looking for a desktop featuring
the K Desktop Environment you want this (also installable)

* Install Media -- If you just want to install, esp. having access to
a lot of packages (software) without internet access, you want this

The first two are live CDs (under 700MB each) which need not be
installed (to a hard drive) to be used.

The third is a DVD (under 4.5GB) must be installed to use, but comes
with much more software that can be installed.

Hope that clears it up a bit.

Arthur Pemberton

Fedora 7 : sipping some of that moonshine
( )

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