[Freeipa-users] IPA client support for Solaris in v2

Marc Richards email.marc at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 09:38:33 UTC 2009

I know the v2 requirements doc for the IPA client mentions Solaris 
support, but I am curious as to what level of support is currently being 
planned/developed.  The v2 client design looks quite sophisticated 
compared to v1, how much of that will actually work on non-linux platforms?

Do you plan on implementing the custom pam and nss modules on Solaris?
What about the PolicyKit and InfoPipe daemons?
DBus integration?

I realize this is a non-trivial thing to do on the non-linux platforms 
(though it would be great if at least the PAM/NSS part worked), I just 
want to know what to expect since the docs aren't totally clear


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