[Freeipa-users] Disk layout - requirements

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Fri May 6 14:12:56 UTC 2011

Steven Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> Digging through docs / googling I cant see any disk partition suggestions and size thereof requirements...
> Suggestions please?  sizing for 500 servers, 2000 desktops, 5000+ users...
> Especially around having different sections of the IPA master of different raid groups if that's needed...

It depends in part how you use IPA. A bare-bones user entry is about 1k, 
a host that has a certificate is about the same. There is some amount of 
overhead in the DIT and you'll need to consider the space for groups, 
how many kerberos services you'll deploy (also about 1k in size) and 
what other features of IPA you'll use. We have quite a few indexes into 
the data, that will take some room too.

I think additional RAM will be better than terabytes of disk. 389-ds is 
going to try to cache much of this data, and with this number of entries 
it can probably keep most if not all of the database in memory.

We haven't done any analysis on different FS performance.

Does that help?


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