[Freeipa-users] Mountain Lion GUI Login

Lynn Root lroot at redhat.com
Wed Aug 7 00:25:44 UTC 2013

On Aug 6, 2013, at 4:14 PM, KodaK <sakodak at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Davis Goodman
> <davis.goodman at digital-district.ca> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an FreeIPA server configured, managed to configure a Mountain Lion Client for automounts and user logins.
>> My issue is that whenever I first login with a user the "New Password" box shows up and even if I try to change the password the box keeps reappearing without any success.
>> If I log onto the machine with the local admin user and try to get a ticket for this user I get a "New Password" prompt. From there I can change the password and I get a ticket without an issue. After that I can login through the GUI without being asked for a new password.
>> Anyone has seen this behaviour before?
> That's the expected behavior.  When you set the user's password as an
> admin, it sets the "force a password change" flag.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not expect to *not* be able to change the password on an IPA client after the initial setup, and be forced to use the IPA Server to re-set the password.  Granted, the client is OSX.

However, I personally have experience the inability to change a new user's password on an IPA client, and only on the IPA Server.  Unfortunately, I've been trying to reproduce this and I can not. I've tried on Fedora 19, and will try on RHEL next. 

Davis - Can you let me know your IPA Server and IPA Client versions? As well as the OS that the IPA Server is on?

Also, out of curiosity, do you have directions on how you set up the client on Mac OSX?


Lynn Root

Lynn Root
Associate Software Engineer

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