[Freeipa-users] Scorched earth

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Aug 28 13:56:24 UTC 2013

Bret Wortman wrote:
> Today, I'm going to wipe my master, install f18 from scratch, then
> install the freeipa-server RPMs again and manually load all our hosts,
> dns entries, and users from scratch (I'm building scripts to do this for
> me using the command line tools). We'll then do the same for each
> replica so that our system will basically be starting clean again.
> Are there any files that I really ought to back up and restore as part
> of this effort, like certificates, that might make it easier for clients
> to deal with us after the master comes back on line? Or am I safe to
> just nuke the box and start clean?

You'll end up with a new CA so you'll need to re-enroll any client 
machines. Browsers will see the most grief as there will be a different 
CA with the same subject.

Depending on how you are migrating your users they will all likely need 
to reset their passwords, or go through the migration step.


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