[Freeipa-users] Installation issues with sub-ca.

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Thu Nov 7 14:52:58 UTC 2013

Andrea Bontempi wrote:
>> I wonder if the root chain you gave to the IPA installer was complete.
>> rob
> I work with PEM file format, in the sub-ca certificate there aren't chains (but isn't a problem if i use a self-generated CA).
> (Moreover, the script has all the chain, the root certificate and the FreeIPA's certificate, so it's strange.)
> I try to add the chain follow this rule: http://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/pem-ssl-creation.htm, but the script crash (does't seem to support this method)
> I fear it's a problem of my CA, but i have no idea what goes wrong.

Can you provide the logs from the failed install? 
/var/log/ipaserver-install.log for sure, we may need the debug log from 
the CA eventually too.


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