[Freeipa-users] Recomendations on multi-domain environments

Arturo Borrero aborrero at cica.es
Wed Sep 18 11:40:16 UTC 2013

Hi there!

This is my situation.

I have some users of my main domain "cica.es".

But I also maintain a database of users of others domain, ie "example.es".

I can apply most of FreeIPA configuration to "cica.es" users: access to 
hosts, groups, policies, roles, etc..

But users of "example.es" are dummy users, who just have an LDAP account 
in order to use virtual mailboxes in Postfix/Dovecot.

Do anyone have any advice on how handle this situation?

I see some options:
  * create a second FreeIPA server, each to handle his own domain.
  * get the main FreeIPA server to handle two complete different LDAP 
tree (with different root DNs, don't know if possible).
  * integrate "example.es" users into specific groups, "prefix" or 
something each group and user.

We are talking of about 2k users in total (main domain + secondary 
domain). In addition, there is the possibility to have more than two 

How FreeIPA handles this multi-domain environment?

Best regards.

Arturo Borrero González
Departamento de Seguridad Informática (nis at cica.es)
Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA)
Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n - 41012 - Sevilla (Spain)
Tfno.: +34 955 056 600 / FAX: +34 955 056 650
Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo
Junta de Andalucía

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