[Freeipa-users] Stuck getting sudo working with Ubuntu client

Lukas Slebodnik lslebodn at redhat.com
Tue Apr 21 19:45:57 UTC 2015

On (20/04/15 17:54), Andrew Sacamano wrote:
>Thanks again, Lukas!
>I was wondering if the overlaps of names was a problem, so I redid parts of
>my IPA setup to rename them - thanks for pointing out the ticket!
>Also, your suggestion to use ldap_group_object_class = ipaUserGroup worked
>- which saves me the trouble of tracking that down in six months when my
>IPA domain grows and the performance issues associated with enumerate begin
>to manifest.
>Many thanks - you are extraordinarily helpful. My colleagues and I are
>quite grateful for all your advice!
You are welcome,
I'm glad I could help.

You can file a ticket to backport patch for ticket #2471 in your distribution.


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