[Freeipa-users] Installing a replica with alternate 'admin' username

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Jun 10 17:56:09 UTC 2015

Brian Mathis wrote:
> I have renamed the default 'admin' account to something else to avoid
> possible conflicts with other application accounts.  However, when I try
> to install a replica with ipa-replica-install, it uses 'admin' as the
> username and I don't see a way to supply an alternate account name to use.
> I have been able to work-around this by using the --skip-conncheck
> option, but I would still like to have the script go through that
> process if possible to get the added verification that things are working.
> Is there any way to use a different account name than 'admin' with
> ipa-replica-install?  I'm on CentOS 7 using ipa-server-4.1.0-18.el7.

There isn't currently. I opened https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5060

The conn checker, ipa-replica-conncheck, actually takes the principal as 
an argument but this is hardcoded as "admin" in ipa-replica-install.


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