[Freeipa-users] replication again :-(

Janelle janellenicole80 at gmail.com
Thu May 21 13:28:27 UTC 2015

I think I found the problem.

There was a lone replica running in another DC. It was installed as a 
replica some time ago with all the others.  Think of this -- the 
original config had 5 servers, one of them was this server. Then the 
other 4 servers were RE-BUILT from scratch, so all the replication 
agreements were changed AND - this is the important part - the 5th 
server was never added back in. BUT - the 5th server was left running 
and never told it that it was not a member anymore. It still thought it 
had a replication agreement with original "server 1", but server 1 knew 

Now, although the first 4 servers were rebuilt, the same domain, realm, 
AND passwords were used.

I am guessing that somehow, this 5th server keeps trying to interject 
its info into the ring of 4 servers, kind of forcing its way in. 
Somehow, because the original credentials still work (but certs are all 
different) is leaving the first 4 servers with a "can't decode" issue.

There should be some security checks so this can't happen. It should 
also be easy to replicate.

Now I have to go re-initialize all the servers from a good server, so 
everyone is happy again. The "problem" server has been shutdown 
completely. (and yes, there were actually 3 of them in my scenario - I 
just used 1 to simplify my example - but that explains the 3 CSNs that 
just kept "appearing")

What concerns me most about this - were the servers outside of the "good 
ring" somehow able to inject data into replication which might have been 
causing bad data??? This is bad if it is true.


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