[Freeipa-users] Generic preauthentication failure while getting initial credentials using kinit -k -t

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Thu Sep 24 05:23:57 UTC 2015

On Wed, 23 Sep 2015, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
>I've put a kerberos principle into a keytab:
># klist -k asterisk.keytab
>Keytab name: FILE:asterisk.keytab
>KVNO Principal
>---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   8 asterisk at EXAMPLE.COM
># ipa-getkeytab -s server.example.com -p asterisk -k /tmp/asterisk-krb5.keytab -e aes256-cts
>But when I try to use that keytab I get an error:
># kinit -k -t /etc/asterisk/asterisk.keytab imap/linux.example.com at EXAMPLE.COM
>kinit: Generic preauthentication failure while getting initial credentials
>On the server I get the following error:
>Sep 23 19:30:39 server.example.com krb5kdc[28970](info): AS_REQ (7
>etypes {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) xxxxxx: NEEDED_PREAUTH:
>imap/linux.example.com at EXAMPLE.COM for krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM at EXAMPLE.COM,
>Additional pre-authentication required
>Any idea what is going on here?
You need to explain what are you trying to achieve first.

The sequence above:

 - Sets a random Kerberos key for a principal named asterisk at EXAMPLE.COM
   on IPA KDC and stores it to the local keytab file asterisk.keytab
 - tries to use a key for asterisk at EXAMPLE.COM to obtain ticket granting
   ticket as imap/linux.example.com at EXAMPE.COM

Unless imap/linux.example.com at EXAMPLE.COM has exactly same Kerberos key
as asterisk at EXAMPLE.COM, the above should fail and it does.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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