[Freeipa-users] Setting "preserve" as default action when deleting in webUI

Sebastien Julliot julliot at ljll.math.upmc.fr
Thu Oct 27 22:14:04 UTC 2016

Hello guys,

Thank you for your answers. First, I was able to modify the minified js
to change the default. Ugly solution, but it works for now.

I am trying to write a plugin but it seems that I missed something here
since, despite being executed, the default is not changed ..

Here is my code, freely inspired of what I think I understood of your
'association_search_fix.js' example:





    function(IPA, user) {

exp = {};


exp.orig_create_active_user_del_dialog = IPA.user.create_active_user_del_dialog;

IPA.user.create_active_user_del_dialog = function(dialog) {


    dialog.option_layout = IPA.fluid_layout({

        label_cls: 'col-sm-3',

        widget_cls: 'col-sm-9'


    dialog.option_radio = IPA.radio_widget({

        name: 'preserve',

        label: '@i18n:objects.user.delete_mode',

        options: [

            { label: '@i18n:objects.user.mode_delete', value: 'false' },

            { label: '@i18n:objects.user.mode_preserve', value: 'true' }


        default_value: 'true'


    var html = dialog.option_layout.create([dialog.option_radio]);



    return dialog;


//exp.orig_create_active_user_del_dialog = IPA.user.create_active_user_del_dialog;


return exp;


I checked that disabling the comment or not does not change anything.

Can you see what I missed here ?

Thanks a lot,

Sebastien Julliot.

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