[Freeipa-users] FreeIPA 4.4 plugin migration path

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Tue Jan 17 09:36:51 UTC 2017

On ti, 17 tammi 2017, Peter Fern wrote:
>Hello all,
>It appears there have been quite a few changes to the FreeIPA plugin
>infrastructure in the 4.4 series.  I've been trying to wade through the
>commits, but it's a pretty tough slog.
>Does anyone have details on how to migrate plugins from <=4.3 to 4.4?
Can you be more specific? What plugins?

Till 4.4.1 we did not support any external plugins officially. With
4.4.1 we have https://github.com/abbra/freeipa-desktop-profile/ as an
example of how to create a self-contained external plugin.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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