[K12OSN] Video Cards

Mark Cockrell cockrell at honeygroveisd.net
Fri Aug 13 20:57:13 UTC 2004

>Scott's instructions install the exact same software as mine does, so 
>no worries there. 
>But the "up2date -u" _should_ have picked up the update from my repositories.
>If you didn't see the ltsp_kernel update, you might be missing other updates
>as well. Double check to make sure that the entry for the K12LTSP repositories
>has not been removed.
>Check /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources, it should have the following line:
>	yum k12ltsp ftp://k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us/yum/fedora/
>You might as well check yum & apt while we're at it.
>	[k12ltsp]
>	name=K12LTSP
>	baseurl=ftp://k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us/apt/fedora/
>	rpm ftp://k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us/ yum/fedora k12ltsp os updates non-free extras
>	rpm-src ftp://k12linux.mesd.k12.or.us/ yum/fedora k12ltsp os updates non-free extras

I had none of those.  Did I miss something during the setup?  It's a 
two-week-old 4.01 install.

Bingo is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box.

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